I love me some travel:) Last year on the way back from our NY road trip we stopped at my Aunt and Uncles. Drew has been asking to go back ever since. We left on a Sunday and stayed until Thursday and then headed to Seaworld. We had a great time visititing, wine, ice cream, butterflies, beach, horse riding, Sue and Pauls( they are the sweetest people and their house is heaven to me,) golf cart rides, corvette rides and just plain ol hanging out. Uncle Frank is happy to have his TV back:) He's not much for Noggin or sprouts. He is more of the fall asleep in the chair with the remote type guy. Don't you dare try and touch the remote while he is sleeping. He is so much my grandfather it's scary, love him. A good time was had by all. Thursday we headed to Seaworld. Rylee loves fish, dolphins and whales. Perfect place for her and Drew had not been in a while. Both kids were happy as clams. In the words of Rylee " I want more" "I wanna go back see dolpin" It's fun seeing her show interest in something. Drew was so happy that his friend Bryce who had been at Disney met us for the day. I love that we are doing more this summer. After our road trip last year Rylee ended up in the hospital for the rest of the summer, not fun. I feel like we are doing so much lately, it has been so long since we have done all these things. As soon as I think we are adjusting Rylee has a few bad days. It is so hard for her to keep up. I'm working on my balancing skills. Fun with down time for her:)
The best news of the trip was Dr. Shoffners office called while we were away. We were not sure if he was going to see her since all he does is diagnose and she has been already. He agreed to see us because the report is requesting more tissue. We leave the first week of August.