Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Change of plans with Rylee

Rylee will go into the hospital Thursday in the AM to insert the NG tube not the perm yet. In light of some new test results we will do this first then next Friday she will most likely have the perm tube put in or A TPN. We will be in the hopital for at about 10 days. I will try to keep everyone updated as best as possible. We love you all and all the well wishes.



My2Sons said...

Hi Janet,
Thanks for the update.
Can I please have the name of the hospital so I can send balloons or flowers to Ryle?
We are thinking of and praying for Rylee.

Lucinda said...

Thinking of you guys and Sending positive and happy prayers your way.

Joan A.. said...

Hi All. I can't stop thinking of you all. I hope all is going as well as possible and I know you will up date when you can. love , J.

I'm a bit of a daredevil

About Me

I'm a Mom of two wonderful children, Andrew(4) and Rylee(1). My husband and I are originally from NY and moved to FL 6 years ago. I love it here and won't move back but this is where I live my home will always be in NY. When I die someone better fly my ass back there to bury me. I love hanging outside with the kiddos, sports, working out and taking pictures.
